Getting started
How to use Storytell
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About Storytell
What you need to know
Anything you upload to Storytell is stored in an encrypted location and is only used when you chat on the Storytell platform. The data is only accessible to you (or any other users that you explicitly give permission to). As you may know, you can give every file one of three permission levels:
- Only me — Only you can chat with the file, even if you share the link
- Only my org — Only individuals who share your email domain at your company and have signed up for Storytell can chat with your content
- Anyone with the link — Anyone with the link to your SmartChat™ can chat with it
What happens when you upload content:
- We store the document in an encrypted storage bucket and database that allow us to reference the file during your future queries. Without this, we would be unable to use your content during chat.
- We split the file into small chunks of information called StoryTiles. These tiles help us identify the unique set of topics or ideas that exist in the broader document and allow us to link AI-generated answers back to the original content for validation.
When you chat with your content:
- We search through your uploaded documents to find relevant content and include it in the request to the AI model
- Your question and the relevant content are securely sent to a 3rd party that owns the LLM. None of this data is shared externally, stored on other systems, or used for the training of future AI models.
- If you are chatting with structured data or code, the raw file must also be sent to the third party to perform an analysis, but it is not shared externally, stored, or used for future training.
- When possible, we send explicit request to this third party to erase previously used data.
When you delete content or your account:
We delete all instances, versions, representations of your data across the entire Storytell platform.