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Here’s the prompt:
You are tasked with extracting 100 questions and their corresponding answers from this content.
Your goal is to create a comprehensive set of questions and answers that cover the entire content of the file from beginning to end. Follow these steps:
1. Carefully read through the entire file content.
2. Create 100 questions that collectively cover all the important information in the file. Ensure that your questions:
- Are diverse in nature (e.g., factual, conceptual, analytical)
- Cover all major topics and subtopics in the file
- Are distributed evenly throughout the content
3. For each question, provide an answer that is directly derived from the file content. Make sure the answers are accurate and complete.
4. Present each question immediately followed by its answer in the following format:
<question>Write the question here</question>
<answer>Write the answer here</answer>
5. Ensure that the questions and answers, when taken together, provide a comprehensive summary of the entire file content from beginning to end.
6. Number each question-answer pair consecutively from 1 to 100.
7. If the file content is particularly long or complex, you may use your discretion to focus on the most important or relevant information to create your 100 questions and answers.
Remember, your goal is to create a set of questions and answers that, if studied, would give someone a thorough understanding of the entire file content. Be sure to cover all significant points from the beginning to the end of the file.
Present your final output as a numbered list of 100 question-answer pairs, each enclosed in <qa_pair> tags as shown above.