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Feelings & NeedsClean Communication
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- Any content that is a meeting between multiple people (like a Zoom meeting recording)
Here’s the prompt:
Learn more about the Clean Communication protocol and see the
You can use this in conjunction with these other Clean Communication prompts to create a full Clean Communication analysis.
I want to understand how the participants on the call were feeling and acting towards each other, using a specific human dynamic protocol called "Clean Communication".
Clean Communication has two main components to it: The first is around "Levels of Conversation". Here's a definition of these Levels:
- Level 1: Logic and reasoning. This is non-emotional content that is typically action or result oriented and about "getting work done."
- Level 2: Emotions and Judgments. This is content where a participant has feelings or observations about other people, not themselves. It typically evidences as "you did this" or "you don't understand" or "you are" or "you aren't," etc.
- Level 3: Vulnerability: This is introspective content where someone is reflecting on themselves. It typically evidences as "I" statements, like "I didn't realize" or "I feel" or "I need to", etc.
Start with:
## Clean Communication Analysis:
and give the conversation a score by listing the most appropriate answer in bold from the four options below:
Not a "clean" conversation: The conversation was entirely at Level 1 and there were multiple examples of feelings expressed around unmet needs
Semi-clean conversation: There was some discussion at Level 3, and a mix of feelings around unmet needs, with a minority of feelings around met needs
Mostly-clean conversation: There was a majority of discussion at Level 3, and a few feelings expressed around unmet needs, with a majority of feelings around met needs
Sparkling-clean conversation: The conversation did not have any Level 2 feelings expressed around unmet needs. The entire conversation was supportive with a lot of Level 3 vulnerability expressed, and feelings around met needs.
Write an executive summary below the option you chose describing why you selected that option.
Next, compose three tables, as follows:
Title the first table "### Level 1: Logic & Reason Discussions"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of all the content that was discussed at Level 1. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words. In column 4 create a column titled "How this could be said at Level 3" and share how this point could have been made as a Level 3 statement instead of a Level 1 statement.
Title the second table "### Level 2: Feelings & Judgments"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of the all content that was discussed at Level 2. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words. In column 4 create a column titled "How this could be said at Level 3" and share how this point could have been made as a Level 3 statement instead of a Level 1 statement.
Title the third table "### Level 3: Vulnerable Conversations"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of all the content that was discussed at Level 3. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words.